after a wee break after the run… i resumed my training this morning.
…you didn’t think that the "memphis to peoria run" was all i had planned did you?
no, this fool is attempting something he’s never ever done before in his entire life. i’m going to do a marathon!!!
now… for some of you that is something you conquered a long long time ago… and many times over. but it will be a first for me. i’m registered to do the chicago in late october. friends have told me it’s a great first marathon because it’s flat… and because there are people along each step of the course. that sounds good… …more people to laugh at me when i do a face plant into the asphalt!
i really am pumped though, because i’ll be running for st. jude kids there too! i had set a goal of $4000 for my support this year and i’m almost at the ¾ mark. not bad… but now is when it will get hard. i’m going to have to think of some creative ideas to raise the last chunk.
got any suggestions?
oh… one more note… i’m listing all my st. jude posts under “running”. so if you just like reading up on that stuff without yawning over my personal stuff… you can have it sort for you. at least… that’s what i hope will happen.