how's the running going, you ask?
well... i looked at my training schedule wrong and skipped a week and last weekend did the 15 mile run i was scheduled to do this weekend. so... rather than do another 15 and get back on track... yesterday i went ahead and did the 16 that i was supposed to do next weekend.
it went pretty well too. yahoo! hard to imagine that i'm actually running that far... and even harder to believe i'm enjoying it. i'm experimenting with different power gels since someone warned me that some brands and flavors give people the trots.
i've got to get a plan together to raise more moolah for st. jude kids though. i'm still short around a grand from what i had pledged. i think the kids hitting up people for the katrina mission trip hurt my support base a bit this year. that's okay... just means i have to get a little more creative.