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September 04, 2006



I did the same thing when I left for college. I also had "Le Mutt"...who I'd so cleverly named "Mister Dog." I slept with him every night, and I tried to leave college without him, but Mom was sneaky. She stuffed him into my pillowcase, so off to Saint Mary's College he went. I learned better than to leave him behind on my next move after college graduation to Hawaii. However, I must sadly say that between my move from one apartment in Hawaii to another after my deployment, I lost Mister Dog! Trust me, your daughter will have her moment where she'll miss her old friend, too.

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state fair musical

  • Truck-to-state-fair
    ian and emma are part of the 2008 cast of "state fair" performed at western high school.

Babes in Arms at MSU

  • Babes-in-Arms-027
    Jenn (a sophomore at MSU) and her classmates perform "Babes in Arms" at the Wharton Center. April 10-20, 2008

grade school

  • Trombone_section
    most of these pictures were taken from 2 pics... and were cropped and enlarged to allow people the chance to enjoy all the fun stuff going on.

November 2008

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