i was running my 10 mile this morning, and about half way through... my left foot started aching.
i kept going... but before long it was too painful to keep running. i walked for a mile or two... periodically trying to run a bit to see if that would work it out. eventually it started feeling a bit better and i was able to do a kind of glide run and make it home okay.
but once i was home and relaxed a bit... the pain returned. so i limped around all day.
my biggest run (20) is coming up on monday... but it looks doubtful i'll be able to do it with the kind of pain i'm experiencing.
i went online tonight to some running sights to see if they could help me figure out what was going on. and the unofficial online diagnosis is that it's a strain at best... and a stress fracture at worst. most conclude i need to see a doc for a bone scan to see if there's a fracture.
most indicated that it could heal within a few weeks of rest. they were also encouraging that because a major part of my training is over... i might actually be able to do the marathon in late october without any problem.
sooooooo... since it's friday night... i'll rest it for a day or two to see how it feels... but if it's not better by monday... off to the doc i'll go.