sunrise came too late this morning. and it's raining too. but... if i think too long... another day will be gone.
even through the cloud cover... the full moon helps a bit.
it's nice to be out... working the body... freeing the mind. no need to close my eyes.
not even enough light to see my breath in the cool morning air.
the night brings rest to all... restoration.
what a joy to drink it in and prepare my soul for the day of hurry.
a car in the distance takes my eyes prisoner, but only later steals the darkness... and the pre-dawn peace. as it approaches... it blinds me to my dark friend, then suddenly shifts to embrace me... reminding me of the daylight that will come soon. but once the lights pass i rest again in the dark silence tempered only by the applause of the leaves as they receive the rain.
sometimes the pavement reflects the night so well i question my step... certain the road has ended or that i have risen above it.
so often i fear the night... and the darkness. why do i disguise it with light?
it's not the night i fear... ...or the dark. and it's not the daylight that i prefer.
my fear... is not being able to see in either.
That is some incredible, inspired poetry my friend. Sweeps me out of my office and into the dark and rain with you, and I enjoy the ride.
Posted by: nathan | October 15, 2006 at 08:50 PM