john and dave have asked me to take a few minutes this weekend in fusion and bring everyone up to speed about my health situation. many know already, but many don’t.
i’m thankful that i have the opportunity. when we went through it with emma in our previous spot… i always felt the church missed learning some important lessons that can only be learned when a leader goes public with things like this. yet i’m thankful G*D used it nonetheless.
it used to be that pastors never shared personal stuff. i guess some pastors still operate that way. it’s just easier and safer to maintain distance. one pastor/mentor, whom i deeply respect to this day, advised me never to become close friends with anyone in my congregation. i think i understand. but i think it’s sad. i’m glad i didn’t listen to him.
at the same time… sharing personal stuff in a public way has its hazards.
joe and i were talking about how the clash of public space and personal space creates a fascinating dynamic. people who normally only relate to you in a public way, suddenly feel awkward… obligated to say something even if they don’t know what to say… or they completely avoid even making eye contact. they think that to engage me in conversation would require them to bring “it” up.
it’s probably somewhat unrealistic to think it would be otherwise… but what i don’t like is the feeling that people now see me differently… like they can’t see me the way they used to see me. but i refuse to let my health… or lack of it… define me. i know it will mark me… but may it never define me.
so tomorrow i hope to give people permission to not have to go there… but rather just treat me like they did before. i’m not asking them to exist with me in personal space. i’m just asking for their prayers.
at the same time… i’m also hoping G*D will use this to help people engage others they know somewhat personally who are facing challenging times. i’m certainly not the only one going through hard times. and part of being the kingdom of G*D is living with the awareness that G*D places people in our paths (sometimes just for moments… sometimes for years) for whom we can spoon out a bit of Jesus for them to experience.
i’m hoping to live my life that way a bit more these days… keeping my eyes open for those “kaleisions”… those moments when i’m alive to the reality that i’m staring at someone who needs a spoonful.