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May 19, 2007


Rick Lingenfelter

Excellent! Everyone struggling through hardship, illness in particular, needs to read your God inspired words. I am humbled to know such a man of God.

The Cripple

I love the way you are thinking Randy. My wife is chronically ill, and we have experienced the same reception of her disease as you have with cancer.

Our minds began to change when we realized that there was absolutely nothing we could do to change the situation and reached a point of peace you seem to have found. When we announced this peace we were told we were being complacent and laying down our weapons Well meaning people tried to take what we knew God had given us. We developed thick skin and understanding for those who loved us but had never walked this path themselves.

I think your post is a good representation of what Job was saying in his famous quote "Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." In that comment is a true lesson in peace. My being is out of my hands and in His, so while I can converse with Him and let Him know how I feel, what's going on, and ask for help, everything about me is up to Him, so there is no need for me to try to take the responsibility for my well being out of His hands. We tried in the beginning. I fasted a month, prayed for hours on end, had the elders anoint my wife's head with oil and pray, tried to live more righteously (strictly), and watched the peace and health this regiment was supposed to bring to me and my wife - disappear. She just wanted to be left alone because the energy required for her to open her eyes every morning was being spent on religious formulas. She became angry, not that she was sick, but from the pressure those around us were placing on her.

We were warned that we needed to tear down heaven in order to get healing, and questioned as to weather our faith was lacking or there was hidden sin in our lives... In the end we learned to rely on the peace that passes understanding and to love Him in sickness and in health. We have faced nothing since that has remotely shaken our confidence in Him. What you have learned from this will never be taken from you because it has become part of you as it has us. Live in this peace.

We love you guys,
Matt, Cindy and Lizzy Brennecke


Thanks, Randy.

We love you,
for Marty and Natalie, too

Brian Bennett

Randy, thanks for the wonderful message. It makes me think of the Scott Wesley Brown song that says, "Keep your eyes upon Jesus, He keeps His eyes on you." Being "strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might" isn't about beating the physical disease of cancer. It's about relying on Him for everything. We all have cancer, we're all facing the same end on this earth. You haven't changed because He hasn't changed, and that's one thing I really love about you, brother!


Then the man said, "Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel because you have wrestled with God and with men and you have overcome."

From that day Jacob was forever changed...you have wrestled with men and no doubt with God. You will never be the same

Judy Martin

Bill Allison

Thanks for ministering to me via you blog and this comment: "following Jesus is more about living out my hope in G*D, than it is hoping that G*D will do what i want." Prayed for you RIGHT NOW.

joe neill

Randy, thanks for making it OK for me not to be worried about you. I really do believe you are in His hands and I'm trusting Him too... and asking for more faith.
- joe


you wax so eloquent in your blog i feel dumb even commenting so as not to take away from what you've said. Last night at our band rehearsal, we usually start w/ prayer. I asked the band if we could pray for you and for your family. i explained who you are and about your kids and wife, westwinds, etc...and this stillness just came over the room. We were all so deeply moved...we really didn't know how to pray exactly, but i have to say that the worship that took place after our time of prayer during rehearsal was immensely powerful. we have been and are continuing to fervently intercede on your and your family's behalf. You are loved...not in a kid-glove way, but deeply, authentically & full frontal hug..ly. :)
peace from your family in charlotte...

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    Jenn (a sophomore at MSU) and her classmates perform "Babes in Arms" at the Wharton Center. April 10-20, 2008

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