it was a later arrival than expected... but a good group still came out to cheer them home.
i can't begin to imagine the emotion flowing through the hearts of the men & women of the 303rd... nor through their friends and family waiting patiently for a glimpse of the bus that carried mom or dad or uncle back to their arms.
such a strange place to witness the complexity of life.
...some stepping off the bus into the arms of family. immediate joy and incredible relief. others searching with precision eyes scanning without distraction... intent on locking onto someone familiar who had pushed sleep aside to come welcome them home. some standing in the middle of the reunion... riddled with lonliness and confusion, like an awkward gap in the jubilant tapestry that had emerged in the night air.
a few short words from the mayor... then the commanding officer... and it was over.
for most... some would say "for the lucky ones"... life could begin to return to normal. but for the families of a few... 'normal' is a word that may never be used again.
hats off to the men & women of the 303rd.
thank you. and may G*D give you peace.