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December 29, 2007


Terry Younkin

I saw a movie last nite that made me think.....
it goes kinda like this so I'll goof it up but here goes....
A boy received a horse as a gift and everyone said, "How lucky!"
Two years later the boy had a terrible accident on the horse and everyone said,"Too bad he got the horse."
Six years later the boy missed the draft because of his bad leg to which everyone responded, "How lucky he feel off that horse...."
You see how the story goes, it could go on to say, ten years later when cancer sat in because of the break to which we would say, "How awful", BUT the diagnosis brought the man to God and he is now a Christ walker to which we all say, "Thank you God." All of this from a gift he received as a child. Or it could go many other ways...fill in as you see fit. So I'll reread your post and think about these things, because I don't really know at this moment. Your posts always make me think. Maybe that is why some religions call card playing "of the devil" cause they don't know the answer either!!!!!! But every ounce of me believes we do nothing alone or out of God's sight or care...the rest requires more thought on my part today....ummmmmmmm.

Rick Lingenfelter

I heard that since the www was invented that God also answers prayers as long as you forward well written and inspirational ones (usually including beautiful photos) to everyone in your mailbox.

Les, you are the deep end of the pool, I am the zero entry end, and I am not sure what to make of this particular post.

Janet Hanson

Randy, I cannot know all that you go through in heart & body & mind, probably because I'm too absorbed in myself! You are a deep well, and good to vulnerably share for the benefit of others. As to your last of many questions, I do not believe that you play the game alone. God, at the very least, is there watching over you as you proceed, or are stuck, in the processing, the journey. His exact role, how involved, I do not know, for you or for me. My own struggle with depression, I just hate it. But I have to hang on to the hope, even if it's a placedo thought, that the heart of God is for me, the heart of a loving Father, watching over me, as you and I watch over our children - even when they grow older and make more & more of their own choices without our intervention. And that even if/when God is not pleased with me, as sometimes I am not pleased with my children, or am concerned about what happens TO them, that I still with all my heart love them, and remember that the most important things are the intangible, internal, eternal things. In ways we are all alone ~ alone with God. Whatever it is He does or doesn't do He loves us with an unfailing love (I must believe for my own sanity)and His character is GOOD, VERY good, and as He promised us, will Never leave us, will never forsake us. Besides cancer, you are also, like all of us, battling an unseen war with the evil one who wants to devour our faith and destroy our soul. Thank God we can hide ourself in Him when we are weak, an that God is faithful to help restore and replenish us when we call out for help, and turn to His Word of Life. Randy, I hope this does not seem cliche' or like moonshine theology cavalierly stated. For it's truly out of the depth of my own need. You are a wonderful brother, and remain in my prayers.

Judy Martin

While the depth of your questions can only be truly understood by one who has shared your experiences, one comment does come to mind.

While on a run last week, listening to my sermon loaded iPod, I heard this statement (from Alistar Boeg I think)...."The plain thing is the main thing." His point being there will always be questions we can't answer and things we can't figure out. But there are so many things we do understand that to focus on what we don't is sometimes a distraction.

Rest in the truth that God loves us with an undying love...

He promises His peace in spite of the world around us...

and most pointedly....
His ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts our thoughts....
some things we will never understand.

And speaking of not understanding things...why in the world would you want to jump out of a plane???? And we think the God of the universe to be confusing????

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    ian and emma are part of the 2008 cast of "state fair" performed at western high school.

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    Jenn (a sophomore at MSU) and her classmates perform "Babes in Arms" at the Wharton Center. April 10-20, 2008

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