this morning i passed jackson's little airport on my route from beaners biggbys to westwinds. seeing 'the accord' in the parking lot... i knew ian had arrived safely. he's getting a plane ride as part of the entry process into the aviation program at jcc while he finishes his senior year. he started 'ground school' a couple weeks ago and is loving it.
it's overcast here in jackson today... but as i continued my drive i imagined him above the clouds. which reminded me of our jump a couple weeks back... ...all connecting me with the parallel reality that exists a few thousand feet up... every day... every week... every month... every year... and at this very second. a reality much different than the reality that permeates the 8 feet of frigid oxygen we breathe and swim in these days.
both are realities. it just depends upon your location.
neither is better than the other... although i definitely lean toward wanting the sunshine more than the grey.
clouds aren't bad. they're just clouds.
at the same time... if it weren't for the clouds, we'd all be experiencing the sunshine reality that elludes us so often in these winter months... instead of having to dream about it day after day.'s too easy to conclude that if our location was somehow different, everything would be different.
i have to work hard at times to remember that the difference between life and LIFE is more about perspective than location. i may never be able to alter my location... i can always change my perspective.
after all, it's foolish for me to conclude that being "above the clouds" would be the location to offer the ultimate vantage point... for even though a different view exists 14,000 feet up, an even better one dwells beyond the oxygen... and one of the solar system sits beyond that... and beyond that lies the "kodak picture lookout point" of the universe. and beyond that...
and no matter how many "beyonds" i add, the one beyond the last beyond... no amount of location changes could match the perspective of The One Who Is Beyond It All. since he is everywhere present... location is not pertinent to his perspective. his reality is both sunny & cloudy at the same time without it being partly cloudy... for he sees all things clearly.
on top of that...
no matter how old i get... or how wise i grow. no matter how saturated i become with knowledge of natural & supernatural things... no matter how much the Spirit of G*D consumes me... perspective will always be limited.
which is why trust is so important... and ever will be, i guess.
and although i believe G*D placed within us a good desire to understand what we don't understand... i kind of think...
...that just maybe if today i climb onto the tops of his feet...
...he'll grab my hands... and we'll stride around the kitchen together... my movement matching his... him taking me to the places he wants me to experience. us seeing it all together.
i'm thinking that only then... i just might see things a bit more clearly than i ever could by running around trying to look at life from a million different angles in hopes of gaining wisdom to match the complexities of life.
and a lot more fun.
maybe it's all about location after all.
lord, in my searching for answers... may my heart be captured by the wonder of your presence in the room. show me your feet that i may climb above it all... and laugh with you... as i taste the joy in your eyes and feel the pulse in your fingers.