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March 04, 2008



maybe you are on the island with the rest of the LOST crew and you are doing that funky time travel thing. if you are, you will know when your nose starts bleeding. find a constant. oh, i forgot, you don't watch LOST.

Rick Lingenfelter

All of this sounds too familiar.


Thank you for sharing in class the other night. I thought that was really brave, and I learned a lot from hearing your story. I'm happy that you found healing in it. :)

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state fair musical

  • Truck-to-state-fair
    ian and emma are part of the 2008 cast of "state fair" performed at western high school.

Babes in Arms at MSU

  • Babes-in-Arms-027
    Jenn (a sophomore at MSU) and her classmates perform "Babes in Arms" at the Wharton Center. April 10-20, 2008

grade school

  • Trombone_section
    most of these pictures were taken from 2 pics... and were cropped and enlarged to allow people the chance to enjoy all the fun stuff going on.

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