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May 31, 2008


Rick Lingenfelter

Congrats on that Beth.

Who are you going to vote for and why?


Congratulations Beth!!!! welcome aboard and who would have ever guessed you weren't already naturalized?! Sisters in Christ and Patriotic Pals...good stuff, eh? Judy Martin


not sure who she'll vote for. she's taking recommendations though.


Congrats, Beth!
I wondered if you have let Donald know you are doing this? He will give you a bad time for sure! :)
Love to all the Shafers!

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state fair musical

  • Truck-to-state-fair
    ian and emma are part of the 2008 cast of "state fair" performed at western high school.

Babes in Arms at MSU

  • Babes-in-Arms-027
    Jenn (a sophomore at MSU) and her classmates perform "Babes in Arms" at the Wharton Center. April 10-20, 2008

grade school

  • Trombone_section
    most of these pictures were taken from 2 pics... and were cropped and enlarged to allow people the chance to enjoy all the fun stuff going on.

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