relax. not the kind you're thinking of.
this morning as i was on my way to the trail for a jog/walk (the post from earlier today was actually written a couple of weeks ago)... my blackberry lit up alerting me to an email.
it was from kim and my st. jude run buddies who were down in memphis gearing up for the start of the memphis to peoria run. they just wanted me to know that they'd not forgotten me... and that they're still carrying the torch.
the email came with mixed emotions. i want so much to be with them... but i'm very proud of each one of them.. and thankful for them too. together they will have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for st. jude children's research hospital... this year alone.
when kim emailed me, they were getting ready to go to the hospital. they would have arrived in memphis last night... had their private runners meeting... then joined fellow supporters for a banquet where some were no doubt honored for their longevity & extra hard work in helping the kids. then a few will have ventured out to beale street for some late night fun & libation before hitting the sack in the hotel or rv.
this morning they will have attached the banners to the motor-homes... scarfed done some breakfast before heading to the hospital. then i'm guessing they will have been given a tour of the new chili's care center on the st. jude campus. that's where emma & i went on our last visit. it's pretty sweet.
finally... after a few pep talks and a prayer... the gold team will have hit the pavement around noon to start the long run home. sounds like it's a hot one there as usual. ( said it was 97 degrees just now, but that it feels like 108. real temps must have been above 100 when they started)... proof they don't do this for fun & exercise.
as the blue team passes the runners... they'll hang out doors & cheer those already drenched with proof that they think more of the kids than themselves. some will run their 6 mile leg at a 10 min./mile pace, like my segment... others will run 5-6 min./mile segments, like big t's. some will succumb to the heat and get in the runner van after a mile or two. it doesn't really matter. it's all good. finally they'll catch up to the blue team waiting for their chance to prove they're just as much in love with the kids.
eventually on saturday night... after around 485 miles of pavement... they'll find family & friends cheering their finish... proud of all their hard work and sacrifice.
so... my run this morning had a few tears mixed in with it. tears of sadness that i can't be there to keep my rv family on the straight and narrow as they try to get me off of it! tears that i can't join in the cause in such a tangible way. tears of thankfulness for the memories... and tears of pride for my friends who have dropped everything one more time for the sake of families like ours who woke up one day to find everything had changed.
thanks gold & blue.
thanks mike & sherianne.
you're all the best.