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July 09, 2008



Hey Randy! The guy who did that map is a Campbell...probably related to you too!!
It was pop in Ontario and Ohio too. For the record, it'll always be pop to me!
I love you dear!

Ruthann Longcor

After moving from Peoria, we went to the grocery store. We looked and looked and looked. Where was the soda? Could it really be that this store in Indiana did not carry soda? Finally, Marty remembered that we call it pop in "our parts" of Indiana! We saw the sign for "pop" and found what we were looking for in a wierd sort of nook of this store. After living in 4 states, and 6 counties, this map is very interesting to me! Thanks for sharing the deeper things of life with us all!!

Terry Younkin

My daughter and son from Las Vegas call it "soda" I try to copy them BUT to me soda is a frothy drink with ice cream so my brain can't wrap around "soda". On the other hand I'm not crazy about the word "pop" so I try to name it.....

Rick Lingenfelter

Being slightly anal, I have been brand specific when describing "soda" my whole life. As a kid I was afraid someone might slip me an RC (Canadian Pepsi...barf) instead of a real Pepsi. Also, being slightly into escapism, I really enjoyed this post as it caused me to drift into memoryland of going to BB's with my dad and ordering a doughnut and a green river (soda) and/or reaching into the fridge for a 16oz GLASS bottle of Pepsi. Nothing tasted better than that, except maybe the ice cold milk in the GLASS bottle sitting next to it. This could go on and on.


Hey Randy! I've been so busy with the 2 upcoming weddings that I haven't been checking out your blog as regularly as before but am cathching up while I watch my Redbirds! Just wanted to tell you that I actually remember the first time I ordered a coke in STL and the waitress actually brought me a Coke! I wanted an Orange Crush! I was devastated! She didn't even bother to ask me what kind of coke I wanted!!!!!

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state fair musical

  • Truck-to-state-fair
    ian and emma are part of the 2008 cast of "state fair" performed at western high school.

Babes in Arms at MSU

  • Babes-in-Arms-027
    Jenn (a sophomore at MSU) and her classmates perform "Babes in Arms" at the Wharton Center. April 10-20, 2008

grade school

  • Trombone_section
    most of these pictures were taken from 2 pics... and were cropped and enlarged to allow people the chance to enjoy all the fun stuff going on.

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