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July 30, 2008


Tim M

I love running, it's a time of reflection and openness to hear God for me too.

Isn't Falling Waters beautiful? The city part of the trail is just a block from my house, so im very glad they improved the trail this year.


Heh, Randy - God intervened even more personally than you knew when you started running again today. We, the St. Jude Memphis-to-Peoria runners started today, too. One leg is down, the second - your segment - is on the road now, and we have been truly blessed over the past 36 hours or so with the company of each other and the tangible presence of so many miracle lives. Once again this is an amazing experience. So while you are far away from us, you are also very, very close to us--present in our hearts and thoughts--and today, even for a few steps, running alongside as we all journey together.

God has promised strength for the journey, even one step at a time. For you. For us. For all who will trust Him. Keep the faith. You are in our hearts dear friend, and we expectantly await your return.

Much love to you and your family,


Matt D.

Great- I've been biking that trail for many years- even before it was "official". I'm glad you checked it out.

Rick Lingenfelter

You evoked good memories of a time I went running with sweaty baldish guy at Detweiler. You can do it again (run) I am sure.

Running, especially the St. Jude events of mega long distances and adverse conditions, parallel a lot of the struggles we face in our lives (on a much smaller and very temporary scale however). Pushing ourselves beyond what we thought we could do and allowing God to carry us through the toughest hours (miles).


I run when there's danger.


Kim & all... I actually wrote this post a couple of weeks ago... but I got your email as I was on the way for another run today. I was running with you... although I'm thinking it was a bit cooler here. Love you all!


haha, throw-down. That happens to me when I run, too. I might have to try out this trail now...

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Babes in Arms at MSU

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